Friday 20 June 2014

Top 5 Blunders Your Web Application Developer Can Make

If you are keen on strengthening your current security practices, then definitely you’ll have to focus on your web applications. Despite the rising importance of proper security, major best practices are often ignored.
So, what are these security principles in Php Application Development? Here we go...

Creating Own Security Methods

There is a flawed assumption that a home-grown algorithm or authentication method is actually safer. Wrong. Professional Web Development Companies consider existing libraries are more secure. Why because, the security community constantly test it so less likely to have major security holes.

Accessing a Database Directly

In web development, especially during application development, developers fail to adequately validate the input they receive from users. Without any defensive attempts, input fields can be used to inject malicious scripts into your application or access proprietary data from your database.

Concentrating On Components but Not the Overall System

The tendency to focus on individual components arises where multiple developers work on the same complex project. Obviously each sector can assure security but what about the overall system? This lack of visibility can expose data to various attacks such as “man in the middle” attacks, data integrity problems, and information leakage.

Security at the End of Development Process

Security is a function that has to focus throughout the entire web application development process but what many developers concludes, “Great, all the functionality works. Now let’s secure it.” This attitude can lead to a big disaster, incredibly hard to deal with.

Passing Variables through the URL Path Name

Many developers place variables in the URL itself, thus opening the door for hackers to exploit. Say for instance, making use of such link can allow anyone to download even a free sample of the product.

Summing up, in web app development two of these most dangerous mistakes happen: either you assume your application won’t be attacked or assume you won’t make a mistake. 

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